Goodbye to Regrets

Imagine someone sits in front of you and asks you to pick one card out of a possible ten. Which card you pick determines the path you take. However, there is no way of knowing what the outcome will be, so you trust your instinct and go with what you feel at that moment is right. As I said earlier, there is NO way of knowing where you will be, but you still go ahead and choose a card. Do keep in mind that the decision you made was formed under a completely different mindset. You are not a fortune teller, neither can you predict the future. A choice that you made in a mindset different from your current state should not be a REGRET, but a learning lesson – a tool that aids your growth and WISDOM. Who knows what INFLUENCES you were under and what you were going through during that season in your LIFE. Yet, the most important thing to remember is that you can still change and be different from that choice that you once took. You don’t have to let that one choice or a group of choices define who you are in this present moment. You are not the result of your past, but your current actions and thoughts.

The now counts, so what are you waiting for?

You have no way of knowing what your life could have turned out to be because nothing is predictable and anything can come into your life at any given moment. Therefore, don’t be stuck and defined by the choices of your past. Instead, be happy in the NOW because who knows how long you have the now for? Maybe 5 months, 2 years or 80 years? Don’t waste the precious seconds in your life dwelling on the past and begin living your now in order to create your tomorrow.

We do have a CHOICE, regardless of our current circumstances. We can either choose to be a victim of our past or live in the present moment. We can choose to be happy or sad. It IS only up to us to decide whether we want to get lost in “what if’s” or let go and experience the beauty of now.

Remember the choice is YOURS, so don’t be afraid and go out there, find out what makes your soul truly happy and all else will follow.

Goodbye R-E-G-R-E-T-S.

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